We are not alone. The Two Witnesses are now here, with us. They move very swiftly and quietly, and they are unstoppable by mortal men. The fulfillment of a 1900 year old prophecy. In the Book of Revelation 11:6 they are identified as having the power to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. This may even include the dreaded COVID-19. Could they be responsible for this pandemic that is bringing nations to their knees? What else do they have in their arsenal? Will something worse be just on the horizon for mankind? What is the spiritual solution that can stop all of this or will the plagues just keep on coming? What is the 1,260 day message that they have for the Earth? When will this message be delivered? What are the other messages that they have for all of mankind? Unfortunately, the Holy Bible identifies only one man that can put down these Two Witnesses. This man is identified as "the beast" and he will then demand a reward for this feat. Will you be willing to worship the beast and take his mark on your forehead or your right hand? Are you now willing to find out what is really happening in the Earth today? You need to be informed, because this is just the beginning ...
September 12, 2017
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